Taking Control and Finding a Purpose

Taking Control and Finding a Purpose

When looking at my 26 goals before I turn 27, sometimes I begin to feel extremely overwhelmed. I start to wonder, what the heck have I gotten myself into? But every day, I wake up and tell myself, “I have control”.  I’ll repeat this over and over until I believe it. ...
Getting My Sh*t Together: 26 Before 27

Getting My Sh*t Together: 26 Before 27

My 26th birthday was a night of dancing, free drinks, laughing out loud, and coming to the near-fatal realization that I am 26 years old. At this age, I’m still just a writer working part-time as a waitress (or maybe it’s the other way around) and barely making enough...
This Toxic Dating Habit That Needs To Stop

This Toxic Dating Habit That Needs To Stop

There are many blueprints to dating that one relationship or another finds itself following. There is one pattern in particular that hits the heart a little differently than most. Take Leo for example. Leo and I met in the typical millennial way through a dating app,...
Why You Should Never Get Back With an Ex

Why You Should Never Get Back With an Ex

The Recycle Downfall   “Don’t cry,” he told me. A part of him sounded sincere; like he felt bad—the other half not wanting to see the aftermath of his torment. I sniffed back snot endanger of trickling down my lip but sniffed too hard. The loogie caught in my...